
From Over-Consumption to Zero Waste: Tips on How to Live More Sustainably

by Admin Admin

At this point of reading, you are probably expecting to get 10 tips on how to manage waste in order to approach the target zero point. Instead, we will give you just 1 tip, but it will be a good one: In order to reduce waste, rethink consumption! Think about it. The things you throw in trash are the things you don’t need. They are either broken, or old, or, most probably, you did not need them in the first place! Let’s face it: overconsumption is the root cause of excessive waste. So let’s tackle the problem at its roots alongside dealing with its results.


On a daily basis, each of us is making choices that directly affect our own lives. Unfortunately, we often forget that our personal choices also affect other people around us, as well as the planet in general. Even though it may seem that our garbage is our own business that no one else should mind, it is not. Once trash leaves our apartments, or houses, or offices, it gets into common spaces, such as landfills, and from there - into the natural environment in general. The bigger picture is: how we live our lives today determines how this entire world will turn out tomorrow. If we keep over-consuming and generating waste, we will deplete the resources of nature and bury whatever remains under mountains of trash. But how difficult is it to care not only about ourselves but also about something as big as the planet, if, by human nature, we are takers rather than givers? 

The formula of dealing with overconsumption that lies at the heart of excessive waste generation is threefold:

1. Reduce Consumption

2. Compensate for Consumption

3. Compensate for Waste


Everything trashed is what we consume, this way or another. Food waste is something we buy in excess and then throw away because it gets spoiled. Clothes trashed are those either worn out or just the ones we don’t like or need anymore. Household utensils trashed are the ones not functioning right anymore, or just sacrificed for the sake of getting bigger and newer ones. 

Can we stop being what we are - the active consumers of the natural resources? The answer is no, but we can definitely stop over-consuming, as well as change our consumption patterns to avoid unnecessary waste or compensate for it. Consumption is, in essence, a one-way-street process of depletion of the resources, most of which are natural or of a natural origin. Consumption is linear and finite, which is atypical for nature, where everything is cyclic, mutually feeding, and producing no waste. Nature is circular, and that’s what we should become. But how?

What if we told you that there is a way to remain an active global village consumer but also have a neutral environmental footprint at the same time? That it is possible to build a near-zero-waste, reduced-consumption relationship between humans and nature without sacrificing the economic potential and usual lifestyle benefits in the process? This brings us to the next stage.


Nullker is a pioneer of the circular consumption culture where ecological and economic values propel each other. Inspired by nature and its millennial history of effective resource management, Nullker has developed a cycle that loops the process of consumption with the process of environmental restoration. We aim to create a holistic model that would allow environmental projects (representing nature) and eco brands (representing green economy) to share a mega-cycle of resource turnaround as opposed to the standard - and wildly popular - linear model of consuming and wasting.

The logic behind this new approach is simple: if we choose to consume, we need to consume wisely from sustainable brands and compensate for our consumption from nature by donating to environmental initiatives that restore the environment. Basically, people who care about nature can “buy” from nature: pay for trees planted that would give us all fresh air and help fight climate change; or invest into ecosystem restoration to ensure nature will be able to keep providing us with the resources we need, or sponsor cleanups that deal with the amounts of waste that are already out there in the environment. In essence, people purchase their long-term wellbeing that depends on nature from nature itself. In addition, Nullker gives our contributors actual economic bonuses. Then, in further daily consumption, people may use these incentives, but only for buying sustainably produced goods from trusted eco brands that, too, invest into nature and care about making their products and services as “waste-free” as possible. All this makes consumption greener.


Once you stop buying compulsively and throwing away thoughtlessly, it’s time to clean the mess. Like we said before, there is no such thing as minding your own business when it comes to waste. 

Nullker represents a few waste management and recycling projects that are awaiting additional support from eco-conscious people. Please support them in trying to deal with the results of our common overconsumption and disposal. 


No matter how small our every action is, it contributes to the collective behavior of humanity and either neutralizes or amplifies the trends in human society. If each person cares merely about themselves and disregards their ecological footprint, the aggregate consequences for the environment - and other people! - may be disastrous. If all people care for the environment above themselves, they happen to lead a sustainable life themselves and also ensure that the next generations will also have the privilege to breathe fresh air and have walks along clean beaches. 

It’s not about stopping consumption - it is about realizing that it’s what and how we consume that matters. If you buy, buy the truly “eco”, “bio”, “green”, “recyclable” and “sustainable”. If you take away from nature, give something back through eco-investments. If you want to amplify the effect of your actions or get the well-deserved economic rewards for your eco choices, join Nullker.

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