International Rhino Foundation

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Country/Region: India, Java, South Africa, Sumat
Team 51 people
Date of foundation 1991

About project

Founded to protect rhinos from intense poaching and ensure their survival in the wild through strategic partnerships, targeted protection and scientifically sound interventions. With a focus on honesty, collaboration, adaptability, sound decision-making and commitment, IRF is dedicated to making long-term investments to conserve rhinos.

Their approach involves maximising options, minimising regrets, and using multi-faceted strategies to tackle the challenges facing rhinos, such as poaching, habitat management, and partnering with local communities.

IRF focuses on protection and monitoring, restoring wildlife habitats, and supporting programs that provide economic and educational support to local communities.

Project objectives

Future plans for the project include expanding operations to Nepal, expanding the Sumatran Rhino Breeding Program, and restoring an additional 250 acres of rhino habitat by removing invasive species in Manas National Park in India, while providing livelihoods for local communities.

The program will also continue to offer ranger support and training in South Africa and monitor the Javan Rhino population in Ujung Kulon National Park.


In 2021-2022, 20K native rhino-food seedlings were replanted in Way Kambas National Park in Sumatra to protect the last viable wild Sumatran rhino population in the Leuser Ecosystem. Javan marine patrol prevented 225 illegal fishing activities and 4 new Javan rhino calves were born. 29 black rhinos were translocated to Gonarezhou National Park in Zimbabwe. Legal training was provided for 281 rangers & reserve managers in S. Africa to strengthen the evidence against poachers.